Often times, the terms "cardio" and "conditioning" are mixed together. Some people even think they are the same thing. Here is a better explanation of why they are 2 totally different things!
Cardiovascular exercise can be defined as doing a low-impact movement for long times, with little to no difference in intensity. Some great examples are running, cycling and rowing. They will not help you build muscle or get a lot stronger (mosty fiber type 1 dominant), but will make you better at using oxygen and exercising for longer periods. The adaptation to this kind of exercise is very quick, since they are very repetitive in nature. Conditioning uses structured work and rest periods in higher intensities, often with a mix of exercises. Because of their varying nature, adaptation to conditioning work is much slower, leaving you with more room to get better. Because if the higher intensity, this type of training will also help you build muscle and get stronger. There is a place for both in training, just make sure you know what and why you are doing what you are doing! Keep your goals and sports situation in mind! At 3-2-1 Fit, we usually choose for conditioning because of its higher benefits and efficiency. For a general population with no unjury history or risks, this will generally be the best choice for optimal results.
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